Chapter 6. Controlling Access to Files with Linux File System Permissions.
- Linux file system permissions
Access to files by users are controlled by file permissions.
r (read) = 4
w (write) = 2
x (exec) = 1
- Viewing file/directory per missions and ownership
# ls -l
- Changing file/directory permissions
# chmod whowhatwhich file|directory
who is u, g, o, a (for user, group, other, all)what is +, -, = (for add, remove, set exactly)which is r, w, x (for read, write, executable)# chmod ### file|directory
# is sum of r = 4, w = 2, and x = 1
- Changing file/directory user or group ownership
# chown owner:group file|directory
chown can be used with the -R option to recursively change the
ownership of an entire directory tree.
- Special permissions
- Default file permissions
# umask
0 0 0 2
special + user + group + other
此 umask 表示:使用者新增檔案或目錄時,針對 other 的
權限要扣除 2,也就是不開放寫入權限。
※ 關於預設 umask 的設定可以參考 /etc/bashrc 這個檔案的內容