- IPv4 networking
TCP/IP standards follow a four-layer network model specified in RFC1122.
‧ Application
‧ Transport
‧ Internet
‧ Link
IP address : 表網路遮罩,為 IP address 以二進位表示時的前 16 bite
也就是以十進位表示時的 172.17 這兩組數字
→ Netmask :
- Network interface names
代號 Ethernet en WLAN wl WWAN ww on-board o hotplug slot s PCI geographic location p represent an index, ID, or port a number N
- Displaying IP addresses
# ip addr show 裝置名稱
- Troubleshooting routing
# ip route
# ping -c N IP
對 IP 執行 N 次 ping 指令
# tracepath IP
# traceroute IP
針對欲連接的 IP 之所有 node 進行 UDP 的逾時等待
- Troubleshooting ports and services
# ss [OPTIONS]
- Summary of nmcli commands
- Modifying network configuration
These files are usually named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<name>, where <name> refers to the name of the device or connection that the configuration file controls.
After modifying the configuration files, run nmcli con reload to make NetworkManager read the configuration changes.The interface still needs to be restarted for changes to take effect.
- Changing the system host name
# hostname
# hostnamectl set-hostname 主機名稱
# hostnamectl status
- Configuring name resolution
The stub resolver is used to convert host names to IP addresses or the reverse. The contents of the file /etc/hosts are checked first.